Period Pants/Pads

Using Protect Monthlies will not only reduce plastic waster and subsequent pollution but also save you significant amounts of money year on year. We guarantee a minimum of 250 washes per pant, making them a far superior product over time than disposables

Furthermore, Protect Monthlies offer a level of protection and comfort that disposable products cannot. With a fluid holding capacity of 30-50mls and the added protection of the waterproof lining you can go to bed knowing that your sheets are protected and whilst worn in the day that your clothes are too

Not only can you use these for periods they are perfect for those little leaks. The pad is very discreet so is perfect for every day use when you need something to protect whilst out and about for very light incontinence issues 


The Protect Monthlies (4051B)

The Protect Monthlies (4051B)
**BRAND NEW PRODUCT**The Protect Monthlies - The ECO-Friendly alternative to sanitary pads and Tampons.  The Protect Monthlies is made from 100% cotton fabrics and has a waterproof layer with a absorbent pad and the new absorbalon wicking layer.  Not only can you use these for periods they are perfect for those little leaks. The pad is very discreet so is perfect for every day use when you need something to protect whilst out and about for very light incontinence issues  For...
Only $19.19